Adobe Creative Suite 5.5: Worth the Upgrade?
Adobe CS4 Issues and Mini-Review
Adobe has decided to make more of a commitment to customer support. They are teaming up with a global service provider, so I assume that means outsourced phone support. The best place to take your change requests is the Adobe Feature Request form.
This is a really, really long post. It’s long both because the Adobe Creative Suite 4 is vast and encompasses many software packages, but also because I found a great deal of things to complain about. While complaining is nothing new for me, finding this many problems with a mature software product is.
In this post, first I will detail the problems I encountered using the CS4 products, some action items for Adobe, state a few positives, and an overall conclusion. I do not intend to review all of the new features (which are many).
Note that this post is about the Windows version. I believe many of these issues are not present on a Mac system, but I can’t make any assumptions, because I do not own a Mac, nor have I used CS4 on a Mac.
JSFL: Batch Publish Flash Files
This is a script I wrote to batch publish an entire folder of .fla files. The script we use is far longer, as our version is for our courseware folders. In ours, we parse the filename of each to a CSV file with the chapter, section, sub-section, and duration of each .swf.
JSFL rocks.
// pop up a dialog to get the folder, then fetch the files therein
var folder = fl.browseForFolderURL("Choose a folder to publish:");
var files = FLfile.listFolder(folder + "/*.fla", "files");
for (file in files) {
var curFile = files[file];
// open document, publish, and close
fl.openDocument(folder + "/" + curFile);